215 research outputs found

    But a walking shadow: designing, performing and learning on the virtual stage

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    Representing elements of reality within a medium, or taking aspects from one medium and placing them in another is an act of remediation. The process of this act, however, is largely taken for granted. Despite the fact that available information enables a qualitative assessment of the history of multimedia and their influences on different fields of knowledge, there are still some areas that require more focused research attention. For example, the relationship between media evolution and new developments in scenographic practice is currently under investigation. This article explores the issue of immediacy as a condition of modern theatre in the context of digital reality. It discusses the opportunities and challenges that recent technologies present to contemporary practitioners and theatre design educators, creating a lot of scope to break with conventions. Here, we present two case studies that look into technology-mediated learning about scenography through the employment of novel computer visualization techniques. The first case study is concerned with new ways of researching and learning about theatre through creative exploration of design artefacts. The second case study investigates the role of the Immersive Virtual World Second Lifeâ„¢ (SL) in effective teaching of scenography, and in creating and experiencing theatrical performances

    Does Media Affect Learning: Where Are We Now?

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    It is time to extinguish the argument as to whether or not the media of 1983 could, should or would affect learning outcomes. The technological advances that have occurred in the 20 years since Clark sparked the debate and Kozma fanned the flames have made the question irrelevant. High-speed, portable, reasonably priced computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web have changed the face of how, when, and where learning occurs. The media of 2004 does affect learning. The question is no longer if; the question is how

    Using social network sites in Higher Education: An experience in business studies

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    In the past 5 years the impact of Web 2.0 in new generations has been remarkably significant (Pew Research Center, 2010). This paper reports on an experience in the use of Social Network Sites (SNS) to support student involvement with the subject and to develop basic skills. According to students’ opinion, the experience was deemed as positive. They considered that the experience contributed to a higher engagement with the subject and a deeper collaboration with other students and teaching staff. As a result, the majority of students would prefer the use of SNS as a first option if they had to enrol again in the subject. Regarding the relationships between academic performance and use of the SNS, two different student profiles were identified based on usage patterns of the platform. Students with a more intensive use of the site showed a significantly better performance than students with a low usage profile.This work was partially supported by the Junta de Andalucía – FEDER (Proyectos de Excelencia: SEJ-02670

    Metacognition and lifelong e-learning: a contextual and cyclical process

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    Metacognition is arguably an important conceptualisation within the area of lifelong e- learning, with many theorists and practitioners claiming that it enhances the learning process. However, the lifelong, cyclical and flexible aspects of 'before', 'during' and 'after' metacognitions within lifelong e-learning (inclusive of whether an 'input' necessarily leads to a completed 'output') seem marginal within current areas of practical and theoretical debate. This article analyses Reeves's (1997) model of web-based learning in the context of the ADAPT project; a study of lifelong learners based in small and medium sized enterprises. The article focuses upon an analysis of this model's view of metacognition, and in the light of the project findings and literature review, aims to put forward an extended and expanded version of the model with reference to lifelong e-learnin

    Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning

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    This pdf file is an article describing the advantages of using Classtalk technology in the classroom to enhance classroom communication. Classtalk technology cab facilitate the presentation of questions for small group work, collec the student answers and then display histograms showing how the class answered. This new communication technology can help instructors create a more interactive, student centered classroom, especially when teaching large courses. The article describes Classtalk as a very useful tool not only for engaging students in active learning, but also for enhancing the overall communication within the classroom. This article is a selection from the electronic Journal for Computing in Higher Education. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Technology-Supported Storytelling (TSST) Strategy in Virtual World for Multicultural Education

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    Learning culture through stories is an effective way for multicultural education, since stories are one of the most powerful and personal ways that we learn about the world. Storytelling, the process of telling stories, is a form of communication and a universal expression of culture. With the development of technology, storytelling emerges out of diverse ways. This study explores the storytelling in virtual worlds for multicultural education, and devises a Technology-Supported storytelling (TSST) strategy by examining and considering the characteristics of virtual worlds which could be incorporated into the storytelling, and then uses this strategy to teach Korean culture to students with different culture background. With this innovative TSST strategy in virtual world, this study expects to provide a guide to practice for teaching multicultural in digital era

    Dificultades para codificar, relacionar y categorizar problemas verbales algebraicos: dos estudios con estudiantes de secundaria y profesores en formación

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    En resolución de problemas verbales por transferencia, la activación de problemas ya conocidos que sirvan de guía, depende de las analogías percibidas entre éstos y el problema a resolver. Se desarrollan dos estudios relacionados para analizar en qué características se basan los estudiantes para codificar problemas y detectar sus analogías, en tareas de categorización (sorting). Se utilizaron técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas combinadas. Primero se analizó cómo los estudiantes de secundaria son influidos por diferentes variables características de problemas de ciencias. Una gran proporción de sujetos no fue capaz de percibir las analogías y diferencias adecuadas entre problemas. El segundo estudio trató de avanzar una explicación de estos resultados. El nivel académico y la familiaridad con las temáticas fueron factores significativos, pero los futuros profesores participantes mostraron demasiadas dificultades, alertando sobre la conveniencia de revisar algunos supuestos instruccionales habituales
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